We are a Christian Ministry that believes God is calling you to share your skills, and talents. Like a vessel he has been shaping you for this special purpose. Battered but Not Broken Ministries is a supportive, accepting, no-judge family of sisters and friends. We don’t judge because we’ve been there and know what its like to walk the path toward healing. If you choose to walk with us we offer the following support.
- Individual Mentoring
- Weekly Support Circles
- Safe, supportive housing
- Counseling
- Support for Job Training
- Certified Parenting Classes
- Support for Education
- Budgeting
- Counseling / CBT Coaching
- Peer Support Services
- Spiritual Counseling
- Clothing Assistance
- Case Management
- Narcan Distributor
- Certified Addiction Counseling
- Life Coach Training
- Psycho Rehabilitation Counseling
- Notary Services
Contact Us: 803-385-2290